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Connecting your Magento 2 Store
Patrick Day avatar
Written by Patrick Day
Updated over a week ago
  1. Enter your Magento store URL and click "Next."

  2. Click the "Open Authentication" Button.

  3. A Popup Window Opens in Atomix App to Extensiv Integration Manager. (Learn more about our partner here).

  4. Click Grant API Access.

    1. You must select "Grant API Access" in order to be taken to the Magento login page.

    2. If you are not directed to the admin section in the page that pops up (for example, if you have a custom admin URL), navigate to the Magento admin yourself. This is a Magento security feature. Do not close the Integration Manager tab.

  5. In Magento:

    1. Go to System > Extensions > Integrations

    2. Click β€œAdd New Integration” and then fill out the following fields.

      Note: The URL entries below must match exactly!

    3. Click API on the left hand side of the screen.

    4. Select the following checkboxes

      1. Sales

      2. Catalog

        1. Inventory

          1. Products

          2. Categories

      3. Carts

        1. Manage carts

      4. Stores

        1. Settings

          1. Configuration

            1. Inventory Section

        2. Inventory

          1. Sources

        3. Attributes

          1. Product

          2. Attribute set

    5. Example

    6. Click β€œSave” at the top of the screen.

    7. Click the Activate link on the new line labeled Atomix.

    8. Click Allow in the upper right.

    9. Close the Extensiv Integration Manager window that pops up.

    10. Click OK at the bottom of the page to save.

  6. In Popup window: You will see "Authorization Complete" if successful

    1. If that doesn't happen, take a screen shot and share with your Onboarding Specialist on Slack!

  7. In Atomix App: You should see your store listed under the stores tab.

    1. If that doesn't happen, try refreshing your scree. If you do not see the store, take a screen shot and share with your Onboarding Specialist on Slack.

  8. Success!

    1. Let your Onboarding Specialist know you have successfully linked your store.

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