Partnering with a third-party shipping logistics company as a brand is called onboarding. Onboarding with a 3PL should be a seamless process for any business. Onboarding is a great time to meet staff, ask questions, and share anything special the team should know about your product.
Things you may want to consider asking:
How do you handle returns and backorders?
How can your company help me scale?
What is your customer service like?
Do you offer same-day and next-day delivery options?
How do you map, track, and bundle SKUs?
Can you explain your warehouse management system? Operating system?
What shipping carriers do you ship with? Ex. FedEx, DHL, USPS, UPS
When talking to shipping logistics about onboarding, you may be asked to fill out some sort of questionnaire, list, or customer profile. The list should explain key factors such as daily contacts, invoicing, automation. This enables 3PLs to get a general scope of your shipping needs and if you would be a good fit. Not all 3PLs are designed for all companies. Asking the right questions can help guide you to the right 3PL for your business.
Curious about onboarding with Atomix? Take this short survey to see how we can help your fulfillment needs.